Reclaiming the pleasure of classic forms of literature

AUL Press is a small publisher specialising in classic forms of literature. In several genres — ancient poetry, modern philosophy, aphorism, memoir, and even Young Adult historical adventure novels — we aim to combine the most durable styles with maximum enjoyment for the reader. That's literally what our name means: Ad Usum Lectoris is "For the use of the reader."

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This series presents an expanding range of ancient authors in affordable, attractive, and above all highly readable format — most notably, without line numbers. At the moment we are offering Virgil's Aeneid, Ovid's Metamorphoses, Lucan's Phrasalia, Lucretius' De Rerum Natura, the complete works of Horace, and Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.

Please note: all titles are entirely in Latin or Greek.

Our Aphorism Series presents both original aphorisms and translations of classic aphorism collections. For now we offer Jack Mitchell's D and his translation of La Rochefoucauld's immortal Maxims. Further volumes in the series are planned, notably Vauvenargues.

We have launched a new series in contemporary philosophy. Our first title in this line is The Problem of Objectivity in Modern Philosophy by James R. Mitchell.

We are proud to announce the publication of Norbert Ruebsaat's In Other Words: A German Canadian Story. In Other Words marks a new departure for AUL Press in its unique combination of literary technique and personal memoir.

We intend to expand our range of Historical Novels for Young Adult readers, which currently consists of Chariots of Gaul by Jack Mitchell.